Oak Wilt Grandview, TX

Oak wilt is a tree disease found in live oaks and red oaks. Tree Care, Arborist, Tree Surgeon, Tree Doctor. Arborist that treats Oak Wilt in Texas.

Our locally-based, family-owned company is aggressively battling the lethal fungal tree disease known as oak wilt! We are proud that we have provided exceptional quality tree care services to the fine residents in Grandview, Texas for several decades now! Our owner, ISA Certified Arborist, tree care professionals, tree doctor, tree surgeon, and our plant pathologist are encountering this deadly oak tree disease in record-breaking numbers! As you know, our established Grandview, Texas neighborhoods are enhanced by many statuesque oak trees so the multitude of beautiful oak trees that have died from this lethal tree disease is blatantly obvious! Oak wilt disease favors live oak trees and the majestic Shumard red oak; however, no oak variety is safe from destructive oak wilt! Because these oak varieties flourish throughout Grandview, Texas, and the North Texas area, many established neighborhoods in Grandview, Texas have lost hundreds of valuable oak trees due to infection from oak wilt! If you notice that your prized oak tree is not looking well, do not delay in contacting us! Call the best arborist in Grandview, Texas, and request for our owner, ISA Certified Arborist and plant pathologist to come out and assess the health of your oak tree!

Oak Wilt Identification In Grandview, TX

A fungal pathogen, oak wilt is a tree disease that shuts down the vascular system of the tree and prevents it from dispersing nutrients and water throughout the foliage and the tree branches. For this reason, it is extremely important that you contact us immediately when you first notice that your tree is exhibiting a weak, unhealthy appearance. Signs that you should be watching for include premature defoliation and a thinning canopy. Most often, the discoloration of infected foliage will range from yellow shades to brownish tones. If your tree is red oak, it will develop an overall reddish color to its leaves. Due to the rapid destruction of your tree from oak wilt, contact the best arborist and tree company in Grandview, Texas, and request a diagnostic evaluation. Laboratory testing is needed to confirm oak wilt infection. Call us today at (817) 799-7808 if you suspect that your valuable oak tree may be infected with oak wilt disease!

How Oak Wilt Spreads

This fungal oak tree nemesis is highly infectious and spreads swiftly throughout your outdoor grounds by means of entangled root systems of infected trees and from excessive insect activity. Oak wilt spreads rapidly and infected trees may literally die in just a few months or less! Oak wilt is responsible for killing over one million stately oak trees throughout Grandview, Texas, and the DFW metroplex area, as well as North and Central Texas! We cannot convey how critical it is that you contact us at (817) 799-7808 and request that our owner, ISA Certified Arborist and plant pathologist examine your oak tree and test the tree to see if it is indeed infected with oak wilt! You have no time to waste if your prized tree is infected!

How To Manage Oak Wilt

Without a doubt, the best way to manage a serious tree disease like oak wilt or any other tree problem is to prevent these tree problems from ever happening in the first place! Take a proactive approach and schedule a free consultation with our highly experienced owner and tree expert and ISA Certified Arborist! You will be presented with the tree care health treatments that we provide and be advised what is best suited for your particular trees and residential grounds. Call us today at (817) 799-7808 and schedule your complimentary consultation!

Oak Wilt Treatment In Grandview, TX

If the laboratory tests confirm that your tree indeed has oak wilt, immediate removal and destruction of all dead and infected trees by an experienced tree company must be enacted right away. Vast tree removal experience by this tree company is essential! Never store old oak firewood after the spring season and it must be removed and destroyed by a tree care professional. When in doubt, always contact the best arborist and tree care company in Grandview, Texas at (817) 799-7808!

Similar Tree Diseases

No matter if you own a home or you are a business owner in Grandview, Texas, it is important that you are aware of the most common tree diseases in our region. First and foremost, oak wilt is the most deadly; however, hypoxylon canker also kills oak trees swiftly, along with other tree varieties. Bacteria infection can cause bacterial leaf scorch. Most often targeting fruit tree varieties, fire blight is extremely common and will quickly spread to your healthy trees if you do not take preventative measures! Remember, always contact the best arborist in Grandview, Texas to advises and aid you in combatting deadly tree diseases and ensuring that your trees remain healthy and strong. Contact us today at (817) 799-7808!


  • Actinopelte Leaf Spot: Known also as Tubakia, this can occur on many varieties of oak trees. It is most often seen in red oak trees.
  • Bacterial Leaf Scorch: When spots appear on oak tree foliage that looks as if the tree has been burned, it is bacterial leaf scorch. Laboratory testing is required for confirmation.
  • Biscogniauxia (Hypoxylon) Canker: This extremely dangerous, deadly fungal tree disease targets trees that are already in a weakened state.
  • Leaf Disease Outbreaks Across Texas: Excessive rainfall and cooler than average temperatures during the spring season can trigger fungal oak leaf disease outbreaks.
  • Oak Leaf Blister: The majority of oak tree varieties are vulnerable to this fungal disease that causes raised, circular spots on foliage during cool spring weather.
  • Sudden Oak Death: This swift-spreading lethal tree disease is caused by a water mold pathogen and has destroyed millions of oak trees throughout Texas since first reported in 1995.
  • Rapid Oak Decline: Weather extremes such as drought and heavy rainfall have made Savannah post oak trees vulnerable to cankers, root rot, and wood-boring insects.


  • Fall Webworm: A very common foliage-feeding caterpillar in our area, its immature stage is the white moth.
  • Oak Leaf Rollers: After eating tree buds and young leaves, this moth species rolls them together with spun silk.
  • Sap Eating Bore Beetle: Feeding upon the roots and branches, these insects are some of the most damaging to your trees.


In addition to the above-listed tree diseases and insect pests that can harm and destroy your oak trees, the following tree diseases, insect pests, and weather-related events can be very harmful to your prized trees. When your tree is not looking well, you have noticed excessive insect activity, or have been subjected to extreme weather conditions, call the best arborist and tree care company in Grandview, Texas! Contact us today at (817) 799-7808!

  • Ball Moss
  • Construction Damage
  • Herbicide Damage
  • Lichen
  • Lightning Damage
  • Live Oak Leaf Drop
  • Mistletoe
  • Post-Oak Issues
  • Severe Drought

Commercial & Residential Oak Wilt Treatment

If you suspect that your oak tree may be suffering from a tree disease, contact the best arborist in Grandview, Texas immediately! The sooner that you take action and have treatment administered, the greater your chances that your prized oak tree will survive! Once your oak tree has been examined by our ISA Certified Arborist and our plant pathologist has confirmed oak wilt infection, a customized plan of action will be developed exclusively for your tree and residential grounds. There are numerous ways to protect your valuable oak trees and our owner, ISA Certified Arborist and plant pathologist will present these options to you. Call us today at (817) 799-7808 and schedule your free consultation with our owner and tree care expert!