Oak Leaf Roller

Oak Leaf Roller

Oak Leaf Roller, this moth species eat tree buds and young leaves and roll the leaves together with their spun silk.

What Are Oak Leaf Roller?

The Oak Leaf Roller is a type of insect that is commonly found on oak trees. These insects are small, typically ranging in size from 5 to 15 millimeters in length, and are known for their distinctive rolling behavior.

The Oak Leaf Roller is a type of moth, and it belongs to the Tortricidae family. These moths are native to North America and can be found in a variety of different habitats, including forests, gardens, and urban areas.

Where Is It Found?

The Oak Leaf Roller is most commonly found on oak trees, but it can also be found on a variety of other trees, including beech, birch, chestnut, and willow. These insects are most active during the spring and summer months, when they are most likely to be seen feeding on leaves and laying eggs.

The Oak Leaf Roller is known for its distinctive rolling behavior, which involves rolling up the edges of leaves and securing them with a silken web. This behavior helps to protect the insects from predators and also helps to keep the eggs and larvae safe.

Oak Leaf Roller Life Cycle

The Oak Leaf Roller has a lifecycle that consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The adult moths emerge from their pupal stage in the spring and begin to feed on leaves. They lay their eggs on the undersides of leaves, and the eggs hatch into larvae a few days later.

  • Egg
  • Larva
  • Pupa
  • Adult

The larvae of the Oak Leaf Roller are small, spindle-shaped insects that are typically yellow or green in color. They feed on the leaves of oak trees, causing the leaves to become distorted and twisted. The larvae also secrete a substance that causes the leaves to stick together, forming the characteristic rolled-up appearance that gives these insects their name.

As the larvae grow, they eventually reach a point where they are ready to pupate. At this point, they spin a cocoon and enter the pupal stage, in which they undergo metamorphosis and transform into adult moths.

The adult moths of the Oak Leaf Roller are small, with wingspans that typically range from 20 to 30 millimeters. They are brown or gray in color and have distinctive markings on their wings, including a series of dark, parallel lines.

Are They A Threat To Trees?

The Oak Leaf Roller can be a significant pest for oak trees, as their feeding and egg-laying activities can damage the leaves and weaken the tree. In severe infestations, the Oak Leaf Roller can defoliate entire trees, causing significant stress to the tree and potentially reducing its ability to produce acorns.

Prevention and Treatment

There are a number of different methods that can be used to control Oak Leaf Roller infestations. One option is to use chemical pesticides, which can be applied to the leaves of the tree to kill the insects. However, these chemicals can also be harmful to other non-target species, so it is important to use them with caution.

Another option is to use biological control methods, which involve using natural predators to control the population of Oak Leaf Rollers. For example, certain species of birds, such as woodpeckers and chickadees, feed on Oak Leaf Roller larvae and can help to keep their populations in check.

In addition to these methods, there are also a number of cultural practices that can help to control Oak Leaf Roller infestations. For example, maintaining the overall health of the tree through proper watering and fertilization can help to make it less vulnerable to infestation. Pruning the tree to remove damaged or diseased branches can also help to reduce the risk of infestation.


Overall, the oak leaf roller is a small but destructive insect that can cause significant damage to oak trees. While it is not always possible to completely eliminate these pests, there are a number of effective control measures that can be taken to manage their populations and protect the trees. By taking steps to control oak leaf rollers, you can help to preserve the health and beauty of your oak trees. Are you looking for another Tree Insects?

Want To Talk To A Certified Arborist?

Do you have more questions about your oak tree? Do you have oak wilt on the trees on your property? Do you have Tree Disease on your property in Texas? Call us today at (817) 799-7808 to talk to our Tree Care Experts.

North Texas Tree Care

As a North Texas-based tree care company, Oakwilt.org does more than just provide industry-leading tree care, we’re here to serve our beloved community. By giving our North Texas trees proper care and maintenance through routine tree check-ups and treating them for oak wilt when necessary, we can promote a greener, more sustainable North Texas community. For help with tree disease treatment and tree nutrition, tree care and tree insect management, soil conditioning, and more, contact our ISA Certified Arborists to get started.

Oakwilt.org is a full-service sustainable tree care company offering residential and commercial tree services and tree disease treatment and management in DallasWacoAustinFort WorthSan Marcos, San Antonio, DFW, and more. Contact our North Texas tree care experts at (817) 799-7808 and enjoy 5-star rated tree care customer service and the best tree health services in North Texas!

To learn more about North Texas Tree Insects: Fall Webworms, Oak Leaf Rollers, and Sap-Eating Bore Beetles, call our North Texas team of Arborist

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