Our family-owned, locally-based tree care company is devoted to battling Sick Trees and the lethal tree disease known as oak wilt using ISA Certified Arborist and Tree Doctors in Wylie, TX!
Oak wilt is a deadly fungal disease that affects oak species in Wylie, TX, and Surrounding Cities in North Texas. The fungus travels through oak root systems and can kill trees within weeks or months of infection. Prevention of oak wilt is key to helping protect the oak species in Wylie, TX.
Oak Wilt Prevention in Wylie, Texas
Oak wilt is a destructive fungal disease caused by the pathogen Ceratocystis fagacearum. It affects most oak species in the United States but is particularly common in Texas. In Wylie, Texas, the disease has been found in several species of white and red oaks, including post, blackjack, and live oaks. Symptoms of oak wilt include wilting, discoloration of leaves, branch death, and eventual death of the tree.
Signs of Oak Wilt in Wylie, TX
The fungus that causes oak wilt can be spread in several ways. One common route is through insects known as βpicnic beetles,β which feed on the sap of oak trees that are infected with the fungus. The beetles can then fly to other oak trees and spread the fungus. Additionally, the fungus can spread through root grafts between trees, either naturally or through pruning or root trenching work.
Avoid Pruning During Spring and Summer
To prevent the spread of oak wilt to healthy trees in Wylie, it is important to practice proper tree care and maintenance. Pruning should be avoided during the growing season (April through July), especially on oaks since this increases the risk of infection. If possible, prune trees during the dormant season (November-February). It is also important to remove diseased trees as soon as they are identified, as they can act as sources of infection for other nearby oaks. After removal, it is important to cover the stump with an impermeable material such as plastic to prevent the spread of the fungus. Finally, use of insecticides can help prevent the spread of oak wilt via picnic beetles, although it should not be considered a primary prevention strategy.
Tree Care Services in Wylie, TX

- ISA Certified Arborist
- Disease & Fungus Management
- Live Oak & Post Oak Treatment
- Plant Health Care Services (PHC)
- Oak Wilt Treatment
- Tree Care
- Tree Disease Treatment
- Tree Doctor Consultation
- Tree Fertilization & Nutrition
- Tree Health Injections
- Tree Insect Management
- Tree Maintenance
- Tree Mulching
- Tree Pest Control
- Tree Surgeon
- Sick Trees
Tree Disease Treatment in Wylie, TX
We provide Tree Disease Treatment Services in Wylie, TX, for both your residential and commercial properties.
- Actinopelte Leaf Spot: Known as Tubakia, this may occur in many oak tree varieties; however, it is most frequently seen in red oak trees.
- Anthracnose: This is a type of fungal disease that affects trees and shrubs.
- Bacterial Leaf Scorch: Unsightly spots appear on oak tree foliage that looks as if the leaves on your oak tree have been burned. Laboratory testing is needed for definite confirmation.
- Crown Gall: can range from small, wart-like growths to large, woody masses that can seriously damage or kill the infected plant.
- Dutch Elm Disease: Dutch elm disease is a serious fungal disease that affects elm trees, particularly American elm trees.
- Hypoxylon Canker: Trees that are already unhealthy and weak are prime targets for this hazardous, deadly fungal tree disease.
- Leaf Disease Outbreaks Across Texas: Excessive rainfall and cooler-than-average temperatures during the spring season can trigger fungal oak leaf disease outbreaks.
- Oak Leaf Blister: Most oak tree varieties are susceptible to invasion by this fungal disease that causes raised, circular spots on oak foliage during cooler spring weather.
- Oak Wilt: is a destructive tree disease that mostly affects Red and Live Oaks.
- Sudden Oak Death: First reported in 1995, this rapid-spreading deadly tree disease is caused by a water mold pathogen. It has destroyed millions of oak trees throughout Texas.
- Rapid Oak Decline: Weather extremes such as drought or heavy rainfall have made Savannah post oak trees vulnerable to root rot, cankers, and wood-boring insects.
If you have sick trees or tree disease on your property in Wylie, TX, contact us today to talk to a Tree Doctor!
Certified Arborist That Treats Tree Disease and Sick Trees
Contracting a licensed, Arborist is vital to inspecting sick trees and preventing tree disease on your property.
If Oak Wilt is identified, fungicides are available through macro infusion and injections to help minimize spread.
Call us today to talk to our Tree Doctors in Wylie, TX, at (817) 799-7808 and schedule your free consultation with our ISA Certified Arborist and tree care expert!