What is oak wilt?

Oak Wilt is a very destructive tree disease that mostly affects Red and Live Oaks. Oak Wilt is a highly infectious fungal tree destroyer and spreads rapidly throughout your residential grounds by means of insect activity or from the root systems of infected trees being in close vicinity of each other and entangling.

How does oak wilt spread?

Oak Wilt is a highly infectious fungal tree destroyer and spreads rapidly throughout your residential grounds utilizing insect activity or from the root systems of infected trees being in close vicinity of each other and entangling. Oak wilt spreads quickly and infected trees can die within several months or less.

What are common oak wilt symptoms?

1. Discoloration of Foliage (leaves)
2. Curled or wilted leaves
3. Complete leaf drop often occurs by mid-summer
4. Dead crowns
5. Looks almost dead

Is oak wilt treatable?

Yes, Oak Wilt can be combated by using tree injections to boost the tree’s immune system also known as “CODIT” or “compartmentalization of decay in trees”.

What is the mortality rate for oak wilt?

About 85% of Red and Live Oaks die from Oak Wilt if not treated in time.