Actinopelte Leaf Spot

Actinopelte Leaf Spot (Tubakia)

Actinopelte Leaf Spot, commonly known as Tubakia, occurs on many species of oak trees but is most prevalent in red oak trees.

What is Actinopelte Leaf Spot (Tubakia)?

Actinopelte Leaf Spot (Tubakia) is a fungal disease that affects a wide range of trees and shrubs, including oak, elm, maple, and ash. It is caused by the fungus Actinopelte milleri, which is commonly found in soil and can be spread through contaminated pruning tools, infected debris, and water splashes.

Common Actinopelte Leaf Spot Symptoms

Symptoms of Actinopelte Leaf Spot typically appear as small, circular or irregularly shaped spots on the leaves of infected trees. These spots may be brown, black, or dark purple in color, and they may be surrounded by a yellow or reddish border. In severe cases, the leaves may become necrotic and fall off, leading to defoliation and reduced tree vigor.

  • Circular or irregularly shaped spots on the leaves of infected trees.
  • Brown, black, or dark purple spots surrounded by a yellow or reddish border.
  • Defoliation and reduced tree vigor.
  • Leaves falling off.

Where is Actinopelte Leaf Spot Found?

Actinopelte Leaf Spot is most commonly found in humid or wet conditions, and it is often more severe in trees that are stressed or growing in poor soil. It is important to avoid overhead watering, as this can create a humid environment that is conducive to the growth of the fungus. Pruning tools should also be sterilized between uses to prevent the spread of the disease.

Prevention and Treatment

If Actinopelte Leaf Spot is left untreated, it can lead to significant damage to the tree, including reduced growth, reduced fruit production, and even tree death. Identifying and addressing the disease as soon as possible is important to prevent further damage.

There are several steps that can be taken to prevent Actinopelte Leaf Spot from infecting trees. One of the most effective prevention strategies is to plant trees in well-draining soil and to avoid overwatering, as this can create a humid environment that is conducive to the growth of the fungus. Pruning tools should also be sterilized between uses to prevent the spread of the disease.

If Actinopelte Leaf Spot is already present in a tree, removing and destroying any infected leaves or branches is essential to prevent the fungus’s spread. Fungicide treatments may also be effective in controlling the disease. Still, it is crucial to follow the label instructions and to apply the treatment at the appropriate time to be the most effective.

In addition to these prevention and management strategies, it is important to pay attention to the overall health of trees to reduce the risk of infection. This includes providing adequate water, nutrients, and sunlight and avoiding stressors such as over-pruning or damage to the roots.


Actinopelte Leaf Spot is a common and potentially serious disease affecting various trees and shrubs. Proper prevention and management strategies are essential for maintaining trees’ health and preventing disease spread. By following best practices for tree care, it is possible to reduce the risk of infection and keep trees healthy and vigorous. Looking for other Tree Diseases?

Want To Talk To A Certified Arborist?

Do you have more questions about your oak tree? Do you have oak wilt on the trees on your property? Do you have Tree Disease on your property in Texas? Call us today at (817) 799-7808 to talk to our Tree Care Experts.

North Texas Tree Care

As a North Texas-based tree care company, does more than just provide industry-leading tree care, we’re here to serve our beloved community. By giving our North Texas trees proper care and maintenance through routine tree check-ups and treating them for oak wilt when necessary, we can promote a greener, more sustainable North Texas community. For help with tree disease treatment and tree nutrition, tree care and tree insect management, soil conditioning, and more, contact our ISA Certified Arborists to get started. is a full-service sustainable tree care company offering residential and commercial tree services in DallasWacoAustinFort Worth, San Marcos, San Antonio, DFW, and more. Contact our North Texas tree care experts at (817) 799-7808 and enjoy 5-star rated tree care customer service and the best tree health services in North Texas!

To learn more about North Texas Tree Diseases:Β Actinopelte Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Bacterial Leaf Scorch, Crown Gall, Dutch Elm Disease, Hypoxylon Canker, Oak Leaf Blister, Oak Wilt, Rapid Oak Decline, Sudden Oak Death, call our North Texas team of Arborist

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